The castles tour - Galeota Tourism

The castles tour

Explore a fascinating world of history and borderland battles in Guadalteba, a region within the province of Málaga.

The Castles Tour in Málaga province gives you the chance to discover some of the strongholds that were important witnesses of the shifting borders and defensive wars in this region’s history. Join Galeota Tourism to explore what life was like in these fortifications.

La Peña Castle The Castles Tour begins in Ardales with a visit to La Peña Castle, built upon the rocky crag which dominates the town’s skyline. It was constructed around the ninth century and destroyed by the French when they withdrew from the town at the end of the Napoleonic occupation.

La Estrella Castle is found in the town of Teba and was built in the twelfth century. The castle was the site of a famous battle when under siege, in which a Scottish knight, called Sir James Douglas, came to his death. The fortress remains that visitors can see today are of both Islamic and Christian origin.

Hisn Cannit Castle. overlooks the town of Cañete la Real. Although it was constructed between the ninth and fifteenth centuries, it has undergone various modifications, due to its location among the rocky hills that were the site of many battles in past centuries.

As part of this trip, you can explore the museums and visitor centres on offer in each town. For example, the museum at Ardales gives an evocative glimpse into the settlement’s distant past, with archaeological material from the time of its origins, items demonstrating its ethnographic heritage and an exhibition of palaeolithic art.

Teba’s archaeological museum covers a broad sweep of history, from prehistoric and proto-historic settlements, to its collection of the Medieval and Renaissance-era materials found in the area.

Finally, visitors to the museum of Cañete la Real can explore archaeological remains from the distant past of this beautiful town

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    7 days

    Tipo de actividad



    Spanish and English. Consult for other languages

    Mínimo de personas

    Private visits from 2 pax and groups from 10 pax

    Actividad familiar


    Explore a fascinating world of history and borderland battles in Guadalteba, a region within the province of Málaga.

    The Castles Tour in Málaga province gives you the chance to discover some of the strongholds that were important witnesses of the shifting borders and defensive wars in this region’s history. Join Galeota Tourism to explore what life was like in these fortifications.

    La Peña Castle The Castles Tour begins in Ardales with a visit to La Peña Castle, built upon the rocky crag which dominates the town’s skyline. It was constructed around the ninth century and destroyed by the French when they withdrew from the town at the end of the Napoleonic occupation.

    La Estrella Castle is found in the town of Teba and was built in the twelfth century. The castle was the site of a famous battle when under siege, in which a Scottish knight, called Sir James Douglas, came to his death. The fortress remains that visitors can see today are of both Islamic and Christian origin.

    Hisn Cannit Castle. overlooks the town of Cañete la Real. Although it was constructed between the ninth and fifteenth centuries, it has undergone various modifications, due to its location among the rocky hills that were the site of many battles in past centuries.

    As part of this trip, you can explore the museums and visitor centres on offer in each town. For example, the museum at Ardales gives an evocative glimpse into the settlement’s distant past, with archaeological material from the time of its origins, items demonstrating its ethnographic heritage and an exhibition of palaeolithic art.

    Teba’s archaeological museum covers a broad sweep of history, from prehistoric and proto-historic settlements, to its collection of the Medieval and Renaissance-era materials found in the area.

    Finally, visitors to the museum of Cañete la Real can explore archaeological remains from the distant past of this beautiful town

    Download the digital catalogue

    ¿Te interesa esta experiencia?

    Una de nuestras experiencias exclusivas. Ideal para ofertarla en Agencias de viajes o si queréis hacer una visita en grupo. Deja tus datos de contacto y pronto recibirás noticias.

      GALEOTA TOURISM SL usará la información que nos suministra en este formulario para contactar con usted y enviarle actualizaciones noticias y acciones de marketing.

      En cualquier momento puede suprimir este servicio haciendo enviando un mail a Nosotros trataremos su información con respeto. Para más información acerca de nuestra política de privacidad por favor visite nuestra página web Haciendo clic sobre el botón “Solicitar información” está dando su consentimiento para procesar la información de acuerdo a estos términos.




      7 days

      Tipo de actividad



      Spanish and English. Consult for other languages

      Mínimo de personas

      Private visits from 2 pax and groups from 10 pax

      Actividad familiar